Grand Canyon - First Sight
State of Arizona

The first walk into the Canyon itself is very inspiring. Anticipation levels are high, yet at the beginning there is little to see, that is until you are within feet of the canyon itself. One can be overtaken by the expanse and beauty that is before your eyes, so if you have this opportunity, take your time, and experience one of natures greatest sites.

NOTE: Must Click play below for video clip - 80 seconds

Video Camera Click here for overview
Video Camera here, to see lodgings & trails

John`s Recollections
An awesome feeling with the completion of walking several hundred feet to the canyon rim. Very little can be seen at the start and with each step forward the anticipation level rises to the point, where you are leaning over the ledge, your heartbeat increases to match the excitement level. This first walk is something to remember. Here is ours!

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